Time Warner Cable Complaint

Time Warner Cable Complaint


Unfair Service Cutoff

To Whom It May Concern:
Let me begin by saying I have been a satisfied customer of Time Warner Cable since January 2003 in the Sandhills of NC. Prior to that I was a TWC customer for 7 years in Raleigh, NC. My husband was a TWC customer in upstate NY for years. We have cable television, internet and telephone services.
Our monthly payments have been drafted through my husband’s debit card consistently on the first 4 days of the month for at least the past year. Unfortunately, the magnetic strip on his debit card came off and he received a new one, with new numbers.
Three other entities draft fees through this card. All three notified us by email to update our billing information which was done on-line quickly and painlessly. ALL but TWC one of the largest technology companies in America!
We received NO notice whatsoever. It was only because I routinely monitor our bank statement to be sure there are no anomalies. On August 12, I realized TWC had not drafted our account. My husband, concluded it was probably the new debit card and immediately telephoned to give the new information. He could only access an automated system – no live person! That automated voice said the balance on the account was $406.06. We knew that was incorrect as the July payment was drafted without incident and our monthly fee is $173.88.
So he drove to the nearest office, in Southern Pines, only to be told he could not pay by his new debit card, they would only accept a check. He told the representative he would return the next morning with a check.
We arrived at the TWC office, in Southern Pines, NC, at 10:20 a.m. on August 13. I gave a representative our check for $173.88, our regular monthly fee. She accepted the check, entered it into her computer. Then she told me we still owed $232.18 “to restore service.” I said “Restore service? We have service.” She said “No ma’am, they turned it off this morning.”
I explained about my husband being there the previous afternoon and why was he not told he needed to settle the account that day? Also, how did they calculate $232.18 when the current month was all we owed. She left to get her supervisor.
The explanation given us by the supervisor was that we needed to pay the next month fee plus $58.30 service charge! Pay the next month which was not due for 18 more days! And a service fee on top of that! I asked her why we were not notified there was a problem drafting the account – TWC is a technology corporation! Can’t you send an email like everyone else?? Is that a foreign concept? Too much to expect?
Is that how you treat loyal customers??? My family and our several of our friends have all gone to Direct TV while we praise our service from Time Warner Cable. Your products are great. Anytime I have needed telephone support it is always with courteous, efficient technicians. While not needed often, the technicians who come to the house are skilled and polite.I am appalled beyond belief at these billing practices.
I stepped back to leave, told her not to bother restoring service, we would be going with Direct TV. I told the supervisor to enter a note into our account not to have anyone from your “customer retention department” call me because the time to salvage this customer was then and now. She stated she would write off the service charges and our next payment is due on August 26 by check. After that the account will be drafted. (I don’t understand August 26 since all the drafts have occurred within the first 4 days of the month – but whatever!)
While I am happy to retain TWC services, I remain appalled at this occurrence. Someone needs to take a good, hard look at this situation. Surely we are not the only customers to be treated this way.

Our service was discontinued for a bill that was 12 days late! Without notification. Service that includes telephone. That is unacceptable. Please know that I have no complaints with the two ladies I spoke with at the TWC office, they were respectful and courteous while dealing with questions they couldn’t answer. However, the first representative my husband saw on 8/12 should have told him the services were due to be discontinued.

I sincerely hope you will use these comments for the purpose intended – to improve your billing procedures. Also, to insure the $58.30 are not still on our account.


Noel M. Roberts
2 Calhoun Lane
Pinehurst, NC 28374

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